Donald Trump's ideas about keeping US safe border on lunacy, such as his latest idea that the world would be better off if everyone had nuclear weapons. The FBI is giving The Donald a run for his money. There is something rotten at the core of the FBI by its refusal to share with Apple its ability to crack the security of the Apple Iphone which endanger US all:
FBI: You should do it, it’s just one phone
Apple: No it isn’t
FBI: We got in
Apple: You should say how, it’s just one phone
FBI: No it isn’t
The chief technologist at the Center for Democracy and Technology, Joseph Lorenzo Hall, said keeping details secret about a flaw affecting millions of iPhone users “is exactly opposite the disclosure practices of the security research community. The FBI and Apple have a common goal here: to keep people safe and secure. This is the FBI prioritizing an investigation over the interests of hundreds of millions of people worldwide.
FBI - The Donald Trump of Law Enforcement Agencies -- Both are Insular and Arrogant
Like the Donald the FBI has a long history of being insular, being arrogant. They really think they have nothing to learn from local police, which is a mistake because a lot of local police departments have made significant progress. Police departments are really much more in the public eye because they patrol, they’re out there in the streets, and people see them in patrol cars. And so they’ve been subject to public criticism and have been forced to respond to those criticisms much more than the FBI has. The FBI is this remote federal agency.
No Accountability
The Bureau is buffered from accountability to the voting public. In a city, the dynamic of electoral politics is such that the mayor catches hell from voters who then holds his police chief accountable. The FBI is not subject to the same immediate electoral dynamic.
Like The Donald, the FBI is in need of a thorough audit. The FBI would find they’re not up to speed with the best municipal police departments. They think they’re the best, and they’re not.
How has the FBI maintained its untouchable reputation for so long?
Like The Donald, the FBI sort of went off track by reading their own press clippings and lost the ability to be self-critical.
Like The Donald, once you get past the glossy publicity, the truth about its performance is something less than the image.
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